Categories: Broeddie

Bro. Eddie’s passion is not just for the evangelization but also the transformation of the Philippines and other nations to become the blessed nations of God declared in Psalm 33:12.  In 1984, God gave Bro. Eddie a vision of a “bloody revolution that may come if the churches will not unite to win the country with the Gospel.”  That vision gave birth to the Philippines for Jesus Movement or PJM, a broad alliance of churches and ministries with a nationwide constituency of millions.  Under the leadership of Bro. Eddie as National Chairman, PJM has been actively engaged in its prophetic ministry to the nation leading mass-based activities and multi- media thrusts designed to transform the nation and establish the lordship of Jesus in all realms of life and society.

Bro. Eddie’s prophetic mandate, that of speaking the heart and mind of God to the nation, was confirmed in November 1986 through a powerful word of prophecy given by Dr. Ralph Mahoney, founder of World MAP, and a world-respected Christian leader-statesman.  Through the years that prophetic word has been reaffirmed by other distinguished global Christian leaders such as Dr. Bill Hamon, Dr. Cindy Jacobs, Dr. Peter Wagner, to mention some.

Today, through his two top-rated weekly TV programs (Diyos at Bayan and PJM Forum), God has expanded Bro. Eddie’s reach in pursuing his prophetic role.  Also recently, in recognition of such mandate, he has unanimously been chosen to chair God’s People Coalition for Righteousness (GPCR), an aggrupation of concerned Catholics, Muslims and Evangelical Christians, which aims to instill moral values in society and government.

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